Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Search Engine Marketing Tips for Upcoming Movies

The internet plays a major role in viral marketing, especially for upcoming movies. If you are an online marketer for a film, then you must read this article with the tips to market the movie website and other social media profiles. The goal is to put the official website on top for related search terms.

1. Register an Easy To Type Domain Name
This will be the address which will go in the trailers, posters and all other promotional materials. Try to get the name for your film; if you fail to do it then add "movie" or any other unique term. Such as if your film is called Ghost Rider, then you can register -the goal here is to make it memorable.
Now you have to set up a website with the trailer and some more stuff. Having a one page website is still a good choice. If you are a developer, you can go creative and add wallpapers, features, games and other information. Make sure you register the domain name for longer; I would suggest you to register it for at least 5-10 years.

2. Setup the Official Fan Pages and Profiles
Do this long before the movie release. Do it right before you start the marketing. Make sure that you put "Official" in the title so people will know that this is the official resource page. Put these social media links on the website and cross promote them, such as put the Facebook link in Twitter and put Twitter link in Facebook, YouTube and the website and vice versa.
This will not just help your site to rank on top but they will also rank on the first page of Google. These social media pages will help you secure fans right from the beginning. You can interact with the fans and create a buzz around the movie you are promoting.

3. Setup Wikipedia & IMDb Page + Link from Them
This is the right time for you to claim a page for your film in Wikipedia and IMDb (Internet movie database). Put a link to the official website. These are authority websites and pass a good link value to the website.
Additionally you can register for other movie databases, critique websites and forums, but that's more work. Usually these listings come automatically but if you want to have them upfront, you have to go an extra mile.

All These Will Help Your Website Appear On Top Of Google
By default every search for a movie comes up with a Wikipedia or an IMDb result in #1 spot. Some cases we can see the official site on #3 and many cases we don't see it at all. Official websites are ignored but this can be the greatest asset for your film. If you keep updating your movie website and keep sending visitors to it, it will be on top for a long time. You can use this site to create buzz, sell movie merchandise & even sell tickets.
All you have to do is to do some smart search engine marketing for your website. Since you will be registering your domain for a long time, you will get the benefit for longer. In the future you can redirect this url to your next big project. All the existing link popularity will pass on to your new site and you will get an instant SEO bonus. All the best!
Tamal provides SEO & online marketing services for celebrities of TV, radio, movies, sport, music, print & local at his site Celebrity SEO. You can also connect with him on twitter @xTamal
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